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Books and Articles by and About David Gulpilil

Click the buttons to explore these links:

Gulpilil's history link David Gulpilil's entry in an historical web site geared toward teaching resources (in his own words.)
interview with Gulpilil 1999 Mark Baker's excellent interview with David Gulpilil at his off-season home in Ramingining,1999.

interview with filmaker working on documentary about David

An interview with Australian indigenous filmmaker Darlene Johnson (Two Bob Mermaid) whom Gulpilil has approached to make a documentary film about him. Johnson is currently developing the film in collaboration with Tom Zubrycki (Stolen Generations.)

interview with Gulpilil in 2000

An interview with Gulpilil by Paul Toohey, Graham Perkin Australian Journalist of the Year-2000, in which Gulpilil reflects on his alcohol-related problems while living in cities and discusses some of  his own recent work in TV and film.

Peter Weir interview about Gulpilil in The Last Wave.

Interview with Peter Weir, director of The Last Wave, in which he describes working with Gulpilil.
Dreamtime arts collective A brief reference to Gulpilil in an article about Dreamtime, an Aboriginal arts collective and tourist center. (You must use the "find" utility in your browser to search for the name Gulpilil on this page.)
book by Gulpilil in a library Blue Mountains City Library's reference to Gulpilil's childrens' book: Gulpilil's Stories of the Dreamtime.
J 3 398.20994/GUL
Legends-children (You must use the "find" utility in your browser to search for the name Gulpilil on this page.)
library reference to Gulpilil and another indigenous artist Another library reference: Rainbow serpent. Episode 2. A changing culture
Aboriginal awareness series  looks at the lives of David Gulpilil and Charmaine Green, two Aboriginals who left their homes to experience success in new environments. (You must use the "find" utility in your browser to search for the name Gulpilil on this page.)
how to by a Gulpilil book A link to a rare book publisher with one of Gulpilil's titles in stock. (You must use the "find" utility in your browser to search for the name Gulpilil on this page.)
Gulpilil narrates Aboriginal art This link describes a video of a performance at an art gallery in which David Gulpilil recounts the narratives which go with traditional burial pole decorative art. (You must use the "find" utility in your browser to search for the name Gulpilil on this page.)
long scholarly article about Crockadile Dundee

A long article featuring cultural analysis of the film Crocodile Dundee, in which David Gulpilil portrayed an Aboriginal man living two worlds. (Use your browser to search on the name Gulpilil in order to locate the reference in this page.)


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